1. General terms and conditions.

1.1. This Privacy Policy (also the “Policy”) applies to the Website https://curlyantennas.com/ and regulates issues related to the provision, collection, processing, transmission and other operations with Personal Data of Users (Buyers) on the Web - sites. This Policy also establishes: what rights you have as a subject of Personal Data and contains information on methods of protection of collected Personal Data.

1.2. If you do not agree with the provisions of this Policy in part or in whole, you must refrain from using the Website, placing Orders or any other actions on the Website.

1.3. The information provided by the User (Buyer) is confidential. The Company uses information about the User (Buyer) for the purpose of fulfilling the User's (Buyer) Orders, unless other purposes are specified in this Policy.

2. Definitions and Terms.

2.1. Personal Data - information or a set of information about the User (Buyer), who has already been identified, or with the help of which the User (Buyer) can be identified.

2.2. Processing of Personal Data - any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, change, renewal, use and distribution (distribution, realization, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including using information (automated) systems.

2.3. Subject of Personal Data is a natural person whose Personal Data is processed.

2.4. Sensitive Personal Data – data that contains information about racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, criminal convictions, as well as data related to health, sexual life, biometric or genetic data.

2.5. Other capitalized terms have the definition contained in the Public Offer or in the legislation of Ukraine.

3. Types of Personal Data Processed, purpose of Processing.

3.1. To place an Order, the User (Buyer) must provide the Seller with certain Personal Data. By filling out the appropriate questionnaire, clicking the appropriate "pay" button and providing Personal Data, the User (Buyer) voluntarily gives unconditional, full consent to the Company's Processing of his Personal Data for the corresponding further purpose. In the event that Personal Data is provided by sending a message using the form provided in the "Contacts" section of the Site, you agree to the Processing of Personal Data under the conditions specified in this Privacy Policy from the moment of providing Personal Data and clicking the corresponding button "I agree with the Public Offer and Privacy Policy".

3.2. Without Your consent to Processing, We will not Process Personal Data, except in cases provided by law.

3.3. Personal Data that We collect and process includes the following information:

        3.3.1. Full name;

        3.3.2. Email address;

        3.3.3. Contact telephone number;

        3.3.4. In the event that you place an Order on our Website - the address of the delivery of the Goods and the relevant additional contact information that may be required for the delivery of the Goods;

        3.3.5. We reserve the right to request the provision of other Personal Data necessary for the purpose of Personal Data Processing, but only on the condition that you consent to the provision and Processing of additional Personal Data. By providing the relevant Personal Data, you also give your unquestionable, unconditional and full consent to their Processing;

        3.3.6. The Company is not responsible for the content and authenticity of the information provided by the User (Buyer) during the Order. The User (Buyer) is responsible for the accuracy of the information specified during the Order, accepts all risks associated with the inaccuracy of such information (such as late delivery of the Order or any other related risks);

        3.3.7. As a general rule, We do not process any type of Sensitive Personal Data, nor do we process Buyers' payment information (namely, credit card details [eg numbers] used to make payments on the Site).

3.4. The purpose of Personal Data Processing is:

        3.4.1. To process Orders for the purchase of Goods;

        3.4.2. To receive information about the Order (for example, regarding the status of the Order),

        3.4.3. To send advertising and special offers, information about promotions, sweepstakes or any other information about the activities of the Website by means of telecommunications (e-mail, mobile communication);

        3.4.4. To provide, maintain, improve and develop related functions, Content;

        3.4.5. To process requests from Users (Buyers);

        3.4.6. Research and development of new services, Site Content elements;

        3.4.7. Protection against fraudulent, abusive or illegal activity;

        3.4.8. To send you technical notifications, security alert updates;

        3.4.9. For other commercial purposes.

3.5. It should be noted that We do not process Personal Data of Users (Buyers) for any other purpose than provided for in this document.

3.6. If the purpose of Personal Data Processing will be changed, We will ask you to unequivocally, unconditionally, additionally agree to the new conditions and purpose of Personal Data Processing.

3.7. For the purposes provided for in this clause, the Company has the right to:

        3.7.1. Send letters, messages and materials to the User's (Buyer's) e-mail address, as well as send sms messages;

        3.7.2. Make calls to the number specified in the questionnaire, if necessary to fulfill the User's (Buyer's) Order;

        3.7.3. The Company has the right to record phone calls with the User (Buyer) in order to improve the quality of the latter's service.

3.8. The User (Buyer) using any Content of the Site consents to the Company's use of cookie technology. Cookie files do not contain Personal Data and cannot in any way read the information of the User's (Buyer's) hard drive.

3.9. We use cookies for the following purposes:

        3.9.1. Improving the quality of services provided;

        3.9.2. Faster identification of the User (Buyer);

        3.9.3. Saving the User's (Buyer's) settings, his personal preferences;

        3.9.4. Tracking the state of the User's (Buyer's) access session and trends characteristic of him (for example, how much time the User [Buyer] spent on the Site, his behavior patterns, how much time was spent on registration in the Personal Cabinet, which browser Users [Buyers] use to work with Website and so on);

        3.9.5. For advertising purposes, in particular to manage advertisements on the Site on the Internet. After disabling cookie technology by the User (Buyer), the Company does not guarantee full functionality of the Website or some of its services. We remind you that you can always adjust the use of cookies in the settings of your browser;

4. Rights of the User (Buyer) and Rights of the Company.

4.1. The User (Buyer) has the right to:

        4.1.1. Know about the sources of collection, the location of his Personal Data, the place of Processing of Personal Data;

        4.1.2. Receive information about third parties to whom Personal Data is transferred and information about the terms of transfer of Personal Data;

        4.1.3. Access to your Personal Data;

        4.1.4. Submit requests regarding how the provided Personal Data is processed and stored;

        4.1.5. Change the provided Personal Data yourself, or, in case of impossibility, present a reasoned demand for the change or destruction of your Personal Data by the owner, administrator of the Personal Data. For our part, We reserve the right to continue Personal Data Processing in cases provided by law;

        4.1.6. Withdraw your consent to the Processing of Personal Data;

        4.1.7. Other rights provided by law.

4.2. By giving his consent to the Processing of Personal Data, the User (Buyer) grants the right to the Company to process his Personal Data, in particular to place Personal Data in the Company's databases (without additional notification), to carry out lifelong data storage, their accumulation, updating, change (according to needs and if there are relevant grounds provided by the Law).

4.3. The company undertakes:

        4.3.1. Ensure protection of Personal Data from unauthorized access by third parties,

        4.3.2. Not to distribute or transfer data to any third party (except for the transfer of data to related parties, commercial partners, persons authorized by the Company to carry out direct data processing for the specified purposes, as well as at the mandatory request of a competent state authority).

4.4. In case of unwillingness to receive newsletters about promotions, new products, etc., the User (Buyer) has the right to refuse it by sending a letter to the Company.

5. Storage, Processing, Transfer of Personal Data.

5.1. Among the measures aimed at protecting Your Personal Data, We use (including, but not limited to):

        5.1.1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of security measures applied to the operation of the Site and its updates;

        5.1.2. Establishing access rules to the Personal Data being Processed, as well as ensuring the registration and accounting of all actions performed with the Personal Data in the information systems of the Website;

        5.1.3. Detection of unauthorized access to processed Personal Data and adoption of appropriate response measures;

        5.1.4. Restoration of Personal Data that was changed or destroyed due to unauthorized access to them (within the technical capabilities of the Company).

5.2. We process your Personal Data on a server infrastructure located in Ukraine. Your Personal Data is processed by the Company (Curly Antennas).

5.3. The Company protects Your Personal Data in accordance with international standards, using physical, technical and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration of Your Personal Data.

5.4. As a general rule, we do not share your Personal Data with any third parties.

5.5. We reserve the right to transfer your Personal Data in the following cases:

        5.5.1. Transfer to related (affiliated) persons;

        5.5.2. Commercial partners;

        5.5.3. Persons authorized by the Company to carry out direct data processing for the specified purposes;

        5.5.4. In response to a mandatory request of a competent state body;

        5.5.5. In other cases provided by law.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions, comments or wishes regarding this document, you can contact us using the contact information posted on the Site ("Contact us" section).